Marketing Campaigns for Employee Recruiting

We help companies recruit new employees

Today’s headlines often read “Labor Shortage: Companies Struggling to Find Workers”.

Is this you? Are you struggling with a growing list of open job slots that you’re unable to fill despite a big budget spending on the most prominent online job sites?

We utilize direct mail to help organizations recruit new employees. We’re able to develop highly targeted lists to improve the odds of communicating with the right people. Unlike online job sites, direct mail gets noticed while online job sites are overwhelmed with job postings, leaving you lost in the crowd.

One customer was struggling to find warehouse and production workers. Working within their budget of $3,000, their Vice President of Human Resources directed us to develop a targeted list utilizing demographic characteristics of their "best" employees:

  • women aged 34-45 years old, 
  • household incomes of less than $60,000, and 
  • living within the shortest driving distance possible to their manufacturing operation, which we found to be a 6.5 mile radius to meet their budget.

For less than $2,700, we mailed a letter to the women on our list, presenting them with reasons why working at the company would benefit them and asking them to apply.

From the mailing, the customer received over 36 responses within 4 weeks, a 1% response rate.

Note, as good marketers, we advised more than a single mailing, or touch, to the same audience would be even more effective. However, the customer was happy with the response, being able to fill their open positions with this single recruiting campaign.

How might we be able to help you? We can help you find new employees for both blue collar and professional positions.

Our consumer databases contain a great deal of demographic data including such information as income, net worth, age, gender, level of education, profession and ethnicity.

Going beyond demographics, the databases contain behavioral traits and interests…a host of ways to segment or identify individual characteristics.

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Customer Testimonials

Allegra and their staff, (Tricia Key) have served our organization for many years...they are professional, friendly and provide outstanding service.

Margo S, P.E.O. Chapter NR, Saint Louis, MO, July 2024.

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