COVID-19 UPdate

The evolving news around the coronavirus here and abroad is impacting the way all of us move through our days, both personally and professionally. At Allegra, we are following the guidelines and best practices provided by health organizations, and we are monitoring any changes in recommendations as the days unfold. 

We want you to know that the health and well-being of our team and yours is of the utmost importance to us and is guiding our decisions during this unprecedented time. Please know we are always available to you by email, phone or through our website. 

During uncertain times, we truly believe in the power of community. As we are all having to rethink how we approach our business operations, we also recognize that we are not alone. The value of human connection and perseverance has never been greater. As a local business, we are in this with you, and we want to encourage you – and your teams – to continue to think local first and support our community in the coming days. Allegra is committed to be a reliable resource you can lean on for any of your communications needs. What else are you doing to support our local businesses? We want to hear from you.

While we are all having to make difficult decisions for our business, our hearts and thoughts go out to the families who have been personally impacted by the outbreak, and we express our gratitude for the healthcare professionals and all those on the front lines trying to contain the spread of this virus.  

If there is anything we can do to help you reach your key audiences or stakeholders to minimize some of the impact to your organization, please let us know. We all must do our part, however big or small, and at Allegra, we want to do everything we can to help our local business and community stay healthy today and in the future. Thank you for your loyalty and support.

Thank you for your loyalty and support.

Art Miller and the entire team at Allegra Eagan

Copyright © 2025 Alliance Franchise Brands LLC. Allegra businesses are independently owned and operated.