3 tips for more effective conversions - Allegra Printing | BC Printing Company Serving Abbotsford, Mission, Chilliwack, Langley, Aldergrove, Maple Ridge, Surrey

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3 tips for more effective conversions

Before we can focus on the solutions, we need to identify the problems. One of the highest reported reasons for a poor conversion rate is due to the ‘Lead Data Quality’ with a low quantity of leads following closely behind.

Of course, finding quality leads can be pricey, and sifting through large quantities can be just as much of a drain on the wallet. In today’s e-mail, we will be going over some ways to reduce your costs to gather leads while also making those leads want to convert themselves.

Marketing tips

The best tip that I can offer is to let them come to you. Now this doesn’t mean throwing away your door-knocking, phone-calling sales representatives (otherwise I’d be out of the job), but it does mean to add on to these traditional sales methods with some of the following.

1. Content Downloads.

Small-to-medium businesses find as high as a 56% conversion rate when using content downloads. Whether it’s a small add (such as the Power-Point Presentation conveniently included in this e-mail for those of you that want a deeper dive into the information), or something larger (such as an app to make their experience better). You will find that many of your potential customers appreciate unexpected bonuses.

2. Webinars

If you happen to be in a niche market, or have landed yourself in a market that customers may be unsure of, hosting a webinar can greatly expand your reach! Not only that, but it can also add value to your customer’s experience. Imagine signing up for a new gym membership and they tell you that they host a webinar every Thursday night to keep you up to date on the latest Hollywood work-out trend or a fabric store that hosts a group webinar for beginning seamstresses. The more they can learn and gain from you, the less likely they are to look to a competitor to find any information. These types of value adds can increase your conversion rate by as much as 50%.

3. Surveys/Polls

Find out what your customers want from you! Maybe you thought that a slender pink pen designed specifically for women (not to mention any specific situations) would be a great hit, and were devastated when it flopped. What do you do now? You put all of your thoughts into
that idea. Your current customers seem to love everything else you do, but you just can’t seem to get anybody else buying new things. Try running a social media survey. While this may be the lowest rate of conversion on our list, 32% is nothing to sneeze at. Facebook is a great place to do this! Your customers can even add their own suggestions in the comments if they don’t see something they want. Make sure to provide a few different options and let your customers work for you for once.

We’ve only scratched the surface on the top three today. If you want to learn more, feel free to reach out through email or phone and we can arrange a meeting to look at what may work best for your company.

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