MOBILE MARKETING: Connect with Customers Wherever They Are

Mobile marketing is just what it sounds like: Marketing that happens via mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets.

There are many types of mobile marketing — SMS, MMS, push notifications, proximity marketing, location-based services, app-based marketing and more. That’s lots of jargon. Critical to all is having a mobile-friendly web presence.

To be sure, outreach mobile marketing isn’t for everyone, but when it is right it can be the most timely and engaging type of communication.

Most importantly, we can help you minimize waste and maximize impact and response with sound marketing planning.

Talk to Allegra Corona about your options as you build your most effective mobile marketing program.

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Customer Testimonials

Allegra is our top choice for printing and promotional items! Their team is fantastic to work with, consistently responsive, and reliable. We look forward to continuing our partnership with them

Ivonne N, Cibaria International Inc., Riverside, CA, July 24, 2024.

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