Floor Graphics For Your Business Beyond Covid-19

Floor sign that is a blue circle with yellow shoeprints inside that says “please wait here”

A simple way to connect with your customers in order to deliver your message and gain more sales is by employing floor graphics. The need to socially distance and practice extra precautions in public due to COVID-19 boosted the prevalence of floor graphics. Making sure people know where to stand in line and what direction to walk down the grocery aisle was made much easier. That said, this cost-effective, space-saving, and versatile advertising solution has a place beyond instructing people to stand 6-feet apart in line.

Showcase Your Sense of Humor

People love to laugh, and they love a business that does not take itself too seriously. By having a certain degree of self-awareness as a business, you set yourself up with a great advantage. Make your customers smile or chuckle by leaning into the relatable nature of your brand. This is not appropriate for all businesses, but for those that can have a sense of humor, floor graphics are a creative way to highlight this.

Example: A sign at a dry cleaner that says, “drop your pants here”. 

Help People Find Their Way

When people enter your establishment, they may need assistance with where to go. This is true for both retail and office settings. Guide customers throughout your store or place of business with signs right beneath their feet. Wayfinding floor graphics are sensible and can be humorous when appropriate. They serve a much more direct purpose and take up less space than hanging signs or more traditional ways of directing people where to go. They also stand in – pun not intended – when someone is not immediately available to offer the direction they need. You can even use them outside of your place of business to help people find where you are.

Example: Floor signs in the lobby of your building that clearly direct people where to go in order to avoid crowding and bottlenecks.

Stand Out with Clear Branding

Bolster your brand with clean and clear floor graphics. Right when a visitor steps in the front door, the floor of your lobby or entryway can feature your logo prominently. In a retail store, you may want to include temporary advertising such as promoting an event or a limited time offer. If you have separate lines for checkout, pickup, or dropping off, floor graphics that include your brand colors or logo can help clearly define this.

Example: Place graphics on the floor at the entrance of your donut shop that says, “Where your donut dreams become reality.” Allow Allegra to help you get the most out of your space with floor graphics. Visit AllegraMarketingPrint.com to find your local Allegra.


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